Alternative Medicine: "Forbidden Herbs, Remedies and Natural Healing"...Exposed!

Forbidden Herbs, Remedies and Natural Healing is all about nature's herbal alternatives, herbal medicine, natural herbal, herbal supplements, garden herb, herb spice, herbs, teas, herbal detox, herbal weight loss and your optimal health. How to effectively use herbs like chamomile and make it safely work for you. Whew, learn more about the greatest robust health secrets of all time with the magic power of medicine herbal, the forbidden herbs, remedies, natural healing and so much more!

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

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9 of the biggest reasons why Spinach is King?

Do you like fish???

Some people feel we need to eat fish to get our good oils.  

Well, by including spinach in your diet you can take advantage of the same essential fatty acids that re found in fish. 

These omega 3 nutrients can help keep the heartbeat regular, reduce the level of fatty substances in the blood and prevent blood clots from forming in the coronary arteries.

Dear Lifestyler,

How are you doing...thanks for reading, I appreciate you.

* It's all nutrients - it is rich in both iron and calcium and is an excellent source of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin C, riboflavin and potassium. 

* It goes with everything--very versatile veggie.  Chop it raw into salads or mix in with cooked food and is great for juicing with carrots, etc.

* If you are planning a baby, or are already pregnant, spinach should be top of your list.  Just 100g provides ¾ of an adult's daily requirements and it is easily absorbed.

* Protection - those who are at risk of cancer, would benefit from adding spinach to regular meals or juice.  The vegetable is one of the richest sources of protective carotenoids - containing more than other dark green fruits and veggies.

* Eye Sight - it is two of the carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthine) that play an essential role in protecting your eyesight.  These have also been found to help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

* Blood-boosting - the iron and chlorophyll in spinach helps to build the blood, while its sulphur content helps clean the liver and relieve herpes irritations.  It is both a diuretic and laxative.

* Fight signs of aging - spinach contains high levels of antioxidants, which help keep us healthy and young.  Antioxidants are responsible for fighting free radical, which harm cells and DNA and cause aging.

* Getting your vits - Green leafy veggies, such as spinach are an excellent source of vitamin C.  This nutrient is essential to help the immune system, encourage wound healing and protect against some forms of cancer.  Our bodies cannot store the vitamin, so it is important to top up levels each day, particularly if your are prone to colds and infections. 


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