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Alternative medicine: Considering Acupuncture?

Alternative medicine

Dear Friend,

Acupuncture has been a part of Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years, and is becoming an often-used technique in today's world of alternative medicine.

The procedure involves a series of very fine needles, inserted just below the skin in specific areas called acupoints. Acupuncture usually does not hurt, and the needles are typically only left in the skin for a few minutes.

The American Cancer Society says that, while acupuncture is not a scientifically proven treatment, some people find that it eases nausea associated with chemotherapy. Others have found it helpful in relieving symptoms of asthma, headaches, back pain and other musculoskeletal pains.

When searching for an acupuncturist, the ACS stresses that you should be sure to find one who is well trained and uses clean, sterile utensils in a proper environment.

Improperly practiced, acupuncture may lead to infections, dizziness, internal bleeding, and nerve damage. People with cardiac pacemakers and other internal electrical devices should talk to a physician before having acupuncture.

Thanks for reading and to healthfinder® for contributing this article

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